Monday, February 4, 2008

Damn that loss sucked!!

Whats going on?

I guess I'll be the first guy to post here. My name is Nuaym. Phonetically it is pronounced new i'm. I am a senior and I will be graduating in May with a degree in marketing. I also had Professor Boveda last semester for IMC, the class was awesome so I figured I would give this one a shot also. I'm kind of upto date with technology and what not but have never really gotten into blogging or podcasts so I figured it would be cool to get to know a little about what its like. Should be fun.

I have no plans after I graduate yet, I'll probably travel a little before i get settled into some sort of career. I have been working at Staples for eight years so I'm thinking about going to work in their corporate offices in framingham Mass. since I know a decent amount about how the company rolls. We shall see though.


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